by A. Levitt, R. M. Haralick et al
Objective measurement techniques for long phrases.
by A. Levitt, R. M. Haralick, E. Rips
Analysis of a strong pattern of repetition among code tables
(These papers extended the original groundbreaking work known as WRR (1996) by D. Witztum, E. Rips and Y. Rosenberg):
by R. M. Haralick
The mathematical foundations for all of our work.
by H. J. Gans, Z. Inbal and N. Bombach
The experiment matching the great rabbis' names and places of birth and death, extending and validating the groundbreaking WRR experiment.
by D. Witztum
Further validation in the form of birth dates in close proximity to the major personalities of Genesis.
by N. Bombach and H. J. Gans
A new pattern: word pairs from verses, echoed nearby as ELSs. The Torah itself is the source for all key words used in the experiment.
by E. Rips and A. Levitt
A simple data collection for this famous event, resulting in highly significant clustering.
by E. Rips and A. Levitt
A second method for measuring the high significance of the single "bin Laden" ELS.
by A. Levitt
Two new methods, added to the previous two, for measuring the high significance of the single "bin Laden" ELS.