More codes about G-d

May 2010: Our simplest and most relevant codes to date - codes using the Names of G-d - have now joined the 1-in-a-million club. We can say this with confidence because we are now able to validate the codes phenomenon as never before, due to advances in making our experiments "parameter-free" (i.e. free of subjective choices). See Figure 18 below. To review how we got here:

In January 2010, we looked at a variety of cases which continue to be interesting side travels off the main road exploring Hashem's Names (see Figures 1-5 here).

In February 2010 we looked at some codes that directly arise from the original page with Hashem's Names. On that page, the codes repeatedly made the following associations:

(a) The Tetragrammaton, with

(b) "I am Hashem your G-d", with

(c) "I shall be as I shall be".

We took a new look at Figure 11 from that page, and we saw these associations are strongly established yet again as follows (see the 3 newly highlighted yellow and green words below, thanks to subscriber Tim Brooks):

Figure 11a

Figure 11/11a combines the words for "Hashem" and "your G-d" into a single ELS. We also "took a fork in the road" and searched for these words separately (along with "I am"). The result is that we can "see" (literally) that this phrase again appears in uncanny locations (introduced, repeatedly, by the imperative "see" in Figures 12 and 13).

Tim Brooks also found that the new instance of the Tetragrammaton, in yellow in Figure 11a above, is part of another maximally compact interlocking arrangement of 6 instances of the Tetragrammaton, shown below in Figure 14.

March 2010 - update

The code that launched this whole series was presented in Figures 1, 2 and 2a on the previous page and these ELSs are combined in the Figure below as a reminder:

A combination of Figures 1, 2 and 2a

This table is simply a combination of:

(a) a special kind of cluster of Hashem with

(b) the Names of G-d emphasized in Exodus.

That is, the 3 Names mentioned in Exodus 6:2-3 (in red) are immediately adjacent to a "Hashem cluster" (in blue; the cluster itself being a maximally compact interlocking set of 6 ELSs for the Tetragrammaton). Tim Brooks and I recently found the only other such clusters in the Torah conatining 6 occurrences of the Tetragrammaton, with skip less than 500, in Figures 14 and 15 below.

Figure 14

What do we have here? A repetition of the same elements, the same code design, as in Figures 1, 2 and 2a above:

(a) the same kind of special cluster of Hashem with

(b) the Names of G-d emphasized in Exodus.

That is, the ELSs in Figure 14 repeat all of the words used to describe Hashem in Exodus 3:14-15. These might be called an "expanded password". In these verses, Moses is asking Hashem, in effect, "who shall I say sent me, so that the people believe me?". Hashem replies "I shall be as I shall be [see blue cluster above]. Further, tell them 'Hashem [see red cluster above], the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [see yellow phrase in the text] sent me to you' ".

The blue cluster is the best in Torah, given the constraint that the axis must have a skip of 120, and the yellow phrase is one of only three such phrases in the Torah. The fact that these nearly one-of-a-kind instances come together in the same table contributes to the probability being more significant than 1:10,000 for this result alone.

Here is the other Hashem cluster:

Figure 15

All 4 of the horizontal occurrences of Hashem are followed by "your G-d" (plural and singular "your"). In addition, we find the best 1D meeting of "I shall be" + "your G-d", and the best 1D meeting of "Hashem" + "Hashem our G-d". Once again we have several individually one-of-a-kind phenomena converging in the same table.

April 2010 - update

There were several forks in the roads travelled until now (for example a choice whether to search for a single long ELS or a series of shorter parallel ELSs). We now return to a few partially explored forks in the main road, and explore additional paths that we initially did not take. First, we look for the original key words from Figure 1, but we combine Hashem/G-d, and look for it in combination not only with Shakkai, but also with the Hebrew word for I shall be.

Figure 16

The result in Figure 16 contains the best parallel meeting in Torah of these expressions. It simply starts with the minimal skip in Torah for Hashem/G-d. Additionally, it contains 3 more occurrences of "Shakkai", forming the best such Shakkai cluster in Torah, given the constraint of the table's skip (there is also a "Hashem" mini-cluster in yellow, of lesser significance but interesting.)

Next, we look for the same key words as above, but with the full expression I shall be / as / I shall be. This does not yield an interesting result.

Finally, we look for Hashem, Your G-d and the full expression I shall be / as / I shall be.

Figure 17

This combination forms a significantly compact area (highlighted box in pink in Figure 17, used to measure the significance). Also highlighted (as an aside, since they are subjectively relevant) are related phrases surrounding this box which contain Hashem your G-d. One of these is very familiar, "the place where Hashem your G-d will choose to rest His Name" - see again Figure 2b from the previous page).

May 2010 - update

The main results for Hashem's Names are now quantifiable. The combined strength of Figure 11a and Figure 16 had only 1 competitor in 100,000 comparison texts. These two Figures were combinable in a single experiment that searches for the set of all meaningful combinations of our initial key words, centered around an axis built from all significant pairs of these key words. This result was obtained by specifying only the key words to be used. The computer program now "choose its own parameters" automatically, based on how often the specified key words appear together in typical "monkey texts". The main dimensions, for example, shown below, comprise most of those parameters, and these are now chosen by the objective machine rather than the subjective human:

Figure 18

When we consider this result for Figures 11a and 16, together with the 1 in 10,000 result for Figure 14 above, we see that this topic yields an overall probability well beyond 1 in a million. This is because of the small number of "equally basic" kinds of experiments that could be run, given the facts that there are only 7-8 starting key words and only 3 main logical groupings of those key words.

This one-in-a-million discussion applies only to the "main road". We continue to travel side roads as well, which only add to the significance. That is, secondary results like the following continue to be discovered. This one arose by noticing that Figure 15 presented us with the best 1D meeting of "I shall be" + "your G-d". This prompted us to search for these two expressions in the more usual 2D configuration. The result has probability at the 1:100 level:

Figure 19

Note that the two occurrences of "I shall be" in Figure 19 are the same occurrences seen in our earlier Figure 13. So we continue to see that the connections between our earlier and later results grow stronger and more numerous as we explore further. These connections are yet another method of validating the codes' reality.

Conclusion: We have taken the concept of Hashem's Names, as listed in the few key verses of Exodus which address this topic, and we have seen them repeatedly form compact tables in the Torah. By visiting and revisiting the forks in the road, as we just did again with the April and May 2010 codes above, we begin to paint a complete picture, a kind of overall traveller's map. The overall significance is diluted if only a few limited directions "bear fruit" (i.e. if only a few directions are significant). Conversely, the significance is increased if many directions bear fruit. As we see, in fact, most of the paths that we take yield significance, far more often than expected by chance. This increases the overall significance by orders of magnitude.